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The Beautiful Game 3

I am proud to preset to you my new PvP video The Beautiful Game 3 - Goodbye 1.12.

I am a Hemorrhage spec rogue and have been for the vast majority of my rogue career. Hemo is my build of choice and as i see it it has no flaws. Other builds like dagger builds may do an aspect of PvP better, like burst, and Combat may be better for 1VsN but IMO Hemo is the most complete build overall, it has an answer to any situation put forth.

The footage for the video was captured during the last month leading up to Patch 2.0. The video is a mix of world PvP including 2/3/4 man kill chains and duels against skilled Horde and Alliance from The Maelstrom EU.

My gear: - Overall Tier 1 equivilent, some good bits and some not so good. Sometime i alternate between NS Boobs + Primal Batskin Jerkin to BF Shoulders + old PvP chest for some more hit points.

Server: The Maelstrom
Name: Beautiful
Class/Race: 60 Undead Rogue

I hope you enjoy this edit, as it may well be my last. Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome. :)

Hemo spec:
Combat Mace spec:

**** - Link to live stream. :).