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Almost Machinima: The Quest for Burning Crusade
High Res version can be found @;6539739;;/fileinfo.html

An entry for 's Machinima contest. Enjoy!


Thanks for the honest comments. Yes, its hard to keep a camera steady without a pro-sumer steadycam. I just made this video because I had a thought about how I can make a video like "Edge of Life" and how I can use a "mount effect". But this was 2 or 3 months ago that I had this thought to make some video of RL WoW, but had no motivation to do it. Then announced a machinima contest. So, because of that contest I had the motivation go for it and finally make something.

Pre-production, making an outline, notes, and an ugly storyboard took about 3 or so hours. Much of it was done over a course of a week during BG queues.

Production only took 6 hours. Starting @ 9:30am and ending @ 3:30. Many ideas on paper couldn't happen. Like going into Target and pretending it was an instance with an instance loading screen. Also, the ending was supposed to be me Mind Blasting this EBGames employee and ninja-ing the box. But they were super busy.

Post-Production took about 5 hours.

So yea, I have a life. This video wasn't done through 1 month. It was done over a Saturday.

So thanks everyone again for your comments. I hope I win! =).