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Gank or Die!3
Gank or Die!3 is the follow up from my two earlier PvP movies. Its been a while since I last time recorded a PvP-movie, almost an year, and lots has changed.

I am now level 70, and the gear has changed. Due to the new gear one can get, the socket system, more talent points and 10 extra levels, I have left the old thunderfury for a better weapon, and the possibility to get high critchance, something I feel is whats giving my warrior the upper edge today. 40,23% crit chance (zerk stance) is basicly like a mild version of permanent recklessness. This, along with over 2 years of being a warrior, is the reason you should watch my movie.

Everything is in World PvP, where I try to find fair fights against hordes. Of course, you wont see a "fairness" on the same level as arena and basic dueling, but hell, its still fun to watch.

Its a 30 min long movie, something that makes it kind of large compared to the "shorter" pvp-movies out there. If you want to watch it in stream-version, go ahead, I wont stop you, but I do belive you might lose some of the entertaiment from it. There is something special about seeing a PvP-movie in almost live-ingame quality. There is a medium quality version up on Filefront at the moment, but a higher quality version is to follow shortly.

With all that being said, enjoy my movie!

Oh, and if you are interessed about my gear, you will the information needed at the wow-europe armory, search for "Skaarj".

About the addons, I basicly use omnicooldown for the cooldowns-add, and lowHPalert for the ... "low hp alert" :)

- skaarj
