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How To: Gruul the Dragonkiller
Part 2 in the How To Gruuls Lair series.

So I Left my guild called Absolution and joined one called Artifice with some close friends..... we have Gruuls Lair and Magtheridons Lair on farm status and are starting on SSC sooo expect lots of new vids very very soon.... sorry i skipped High King in gruuls lair.....My footage of the fight was poor quality so im going to rerecord it agin and post it.... as for Magtheridon...... theres a sneak peak at the end....... No real how to for it.... for awhile..... itll be up sooner or later tho dont worry...Mag is pretty hard for most average guilds out there and i dont want to spoil their wiping for weeks on end with a how to just quiet yet......; -)

Rise Against Ready to Fall.