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Narrated Guide to the ZA Timed Run (Post 2.4)
This is a narrated ZA run showing successful bear mount acquisition. The goal was to provide something that could be watched and listened to (rather than requiring one to spend a lot of time reading, though some textual tips do appear throughout the video).

It should be noted that some of the players on the run were in T6-zone gear (as the guild at the time was 5/5 and 3/9 in T6 content) and some were not, given how much of a difference gear makes in a successful ZA timer run. However, we achieved the first bear mount on Azjol-Nerub pre-2.4 when we'd not yet downed Kael, so I am aware of what methods work for a non-T6 guild and tried to adequately cover those elements in the video..