World of Disneycraft by DarkNessBear
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Dragonmaw ( Bloodlust )
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Welcome to my new project, the World of Disneycraft! This is a simple plan to merge the two worlds together... Disney and World of Warcraft!

Kingdom Hearts does it... why cannot World of Warcraft? But, World of Disneycraft does have its problems... maybe it isn't ment to have these two worlds combined. Either way, it still provides Disney fun!

This is not one video, its a combination of three. Yes, three. All these videos will take you through different disney movies, and shows you how it works in World of Disneycraft.

First up is Peter Pan... Up up and away! Peter Pan can be a magical and fun person to be with... but the truth about "him" is a little more then most can handel.

Then you can take a dive Under the Sea, and learn what wonders await deep in the mysterious ocean! But, like always... it doesnt work out that well in World of Disneycraft.

After that, you get to take an adventure in the forests of Bambi, and see Bambi and his family battle against the harsh rains! But... things dont always work out with these two worlds togehter.

For more details on this movie and others visit my myspace...

I hope you enjoy the wonders of Disney and World of Warcraft colliding!


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WCM Fame: 29
Rank: 12,676 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 3
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