Snoman: Ultimate Dreamscape by snoman
Class: Unknown | Category: Underground | Server : US - Draka ( Vengeance )
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Movie Summary

Ultimate Dreamscape is the third movie in the Dreamscape series, starting with Wandering Dreamscape and Ephemeral Dreamscape. However, this movie is quite unlike the last one. I show a lot less of the actual model changes, but instead tell a story using them. All of my movies have lacked a real plot, and I decided to remedy that with this video.

Do NOT watch the Google Video or YouTube streams unless you REALLY have to. This movie was made to be viewed in High Definition, and it will loose a lot if viewed on horrible streams. Download the 720p version or at least watch the Stage6 Stream.

Again, this still showcases many model changes, and a whole new zone: Hinamizawa. The Hinamizawa zone is based roughly off of the village in the anime Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (literally translates to 'When the Cicadas Cry') . Much inspiration for the general feel of the movie came from the anime. Chaotic, bloody, and very, very enigmatic. But please, do not downrate just because you don't like anime. I also drew some inspiration for a zone from Bioshock. I managed to replicate the intro area from it in WoW.

As always, a special thanks to Verlynne, who inspired me to make movies. A thanks to BaronSoosdon, for his amazing movies and help throughout the movie. I thank Dopefish also for making his amazing movies and for letting me use his model change 'My Burning Valentine', and also to all the Nogg-aholics.

This will be my last WoW movie for a while. This is because, just like Dopefish and many others, I have begun to focus on my study, to become a game developer unlike any other. That does not necesarily mean that I won't make another movie. But it might be a while before you see another one, once I've gained more knowledge.

If you are in any way interested in machinima, join #machinima at We are a growing community and would love to have new members to either help out or be helped out :D (and yes, I know I accidentally put '' in the credits :/)

Also Check out:
Dopefish: Nogg-aholic: The Movie
Dopefish: My Burning Valentine
Snoman: Ephemeral Dreamscape
BaronSoosdon: Unlimited Escapism: Volume 0: Shock Your Senses
BaronSoosdon: I'm So Sick

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