Saru & Tharbad 2on2 Double-Frostmage ~2200 by breakingnews
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Nathrezim ( Blutdurst )
4.91 /5 1252 ? ? 575 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
breakingnews's Arena Team 1
Saru Tharbad
Similar Setups
Hello everybody,

Finally it's done! This is our first Superbest-Superfriends-Squad Production! :P
But before you watch I want to give you some warnings:

1. This is an ARENA ONLY movie! You won't see any open pvp or duels!
If you don't like arena pvp, skip this.

2. If you hate frostmage movies, don't watch. This is even a double-frostmage movie. YOU'RE GONNA HATE IT! :-P

3. If you hate male undead frostmages, I suggest you don't watch, as you're going to see two ugly male undead frostmages pewpewing with a 17/0/44 spec.
(well in RL we're hot)

Ok then... if you still want to watch, than you can expect

- Arena 2vs2 between 2100-2200 rating on Realmpool Blutdurst
- Double-Frostmage power!
- Both Perspectives (Saru + Tharbad)
- Commentary + Hints + Tips.
We're not pretending that we are perfect players.
But we hope that our commented tactics might be useful to you.
- The movie includes some cinematic scenes and roleplay. Actually it's more comedy than roleplay. At least we hope so.
The intro has a reference to Tradix's movie, which you must watch if you haven't already.
Tradix 5
- Arena-Footage, taken in the last week of season 2.

You will see fights against:


While we play a rather uncommon setup we tried to get clips where we fight against the most popular cookie cutter setups. We think that we achieved this goal. We tried to mix entertaining editing with the rather dry arena content and create an informative but also fun-to-watch movie.

The original idea for this movie came to us as a lot of mages from Nathrezim and on the forums wanted to know our tactics and macros. We were fed up with answering the same questions over and over again, so we decided to make a movie.

If you hope to meet us in 2vs2, then I have to apologize. You won't see us playing this setup any more.
Why? Well, watch the movie. There is the answer. :P

Note: I apologize for any grammar or vocabulary mistakes. I wrote most of the stuff on my own without any help.

Don't forget to watch Very Last Hope 3 DPS 3on3


Music in order:

The Crystal Method - Roll It Up
Red - Breath Into Me
X-Ray Dog - Imperial Force
Jungle Boogie (Pulp Fiction OST)
The Crystal Method - Keep Hope Alive
The Used - The Bird And The Worm
Anberlin - A Day Late
Al Hirt - Green Hornet (Kill Bill OST)
The Used - Take It Away

Addons used:

ctmod (parts of it), sct (grayhoof profile), nature enemy castbar, cryolysis (mage addon), trinket menu, proximo, JIMsCooldownPulse, clearfont,
itemrack, omnicc, prat, quartz, bartender3, pearl classic frames, buffalo, sraidframes

edit: Stage6 is going to take a while. Hold on ;)
edit2: Dancecraft Blogspot
Wow thanks @ mrwiggles. :D
edit3: stage6 link is up! .
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