vodka vs Yogg-Saron World 2nd / US 1st von neurotik
Class: Schamane | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Alterac Mountains ( Nightfall )
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Movie Summary
vodka vs. Yogg-Saron (World 2nd / US 1st)
Resolution: 1920x1200
Codec: DivX

Audio Tracks:
1. Dash Berlin w/ Cerf Mitiska & Jaren - Man on the Run
2. Riva - Time is the Healer (Armin van Buuren Remix)
3. Anthony Dean & Starlet - In a Trance

This is a video of vodka's first Yogg-Saron kill, which was a world 2nd / US 1st kill.

This is a really fun encounter and it serves as a nice warm-up to some of the hard modes that we'll be working on now that the zone has been cleared on easy mode. Some of the mechanics help to keep things interesting throughout the different phases of the fight as well.

I apologize for some of the terrible camera angles throughout the video, mainly in phase 3 and certain parts of phase 2, but it is primarily due to one of the mechanics of the fight, so I didn't have a whole lot of flexibility with where I was turning and such. I did the best I could though without becoming a liability during the encounter.

I'd like to thank all of our raiders for pushing themselves to the limit the past couple of days so that we could grab hold of the US 1st kill, everyone did an exceptional job.

If you have any questions, I'll do my best to try and respond to them when I have time.

I decided to give some shout outs to some really old friends of mine in this video because I've been telling them I would for quite a while now, so they were long over due. Please do not get emo if your name was not listed in my shout outs, it doesn't mean that you're not cool or that I hate you or anything, this is just something I decided to do with this video and I just briefly threw in some names -- I may continue doing it in future videos as well, we'll see.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us as a guild, look forward to more videos of the other bosses in Ulduar when we start killing the hard mode version of them.

Lastly, another one of our raiders, Kinaesthesia, will be creating a high quality, very well edited, multi-POV video of the kill at a later date, so keep your eyes out for that sometime soon hopefully.

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