Penance 10 man - Professor Putricide Kill von Koyanis
Class: Schurke | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Chamber of Aspects ( Misery )
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Movie Summary
Prof putricide 10man; rogue PoV kill.
reasonably clean first kill; 4th attempt for our group.
Its at just under double speed; but all the action is in and it slows down for the final phase (which is probably the bit most people are wiping to see :P ); its a somwhat repetative but rather fun fight; even for a mele despite the huge amount of movement required.

Hope it helps anyone see how best to heandle the fight; I dont think we had any real trouble with our kill and tactics.

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Zygor Guides

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Views: 11,165
Daily Views: 2
Rating: - / 5
Category Rank: 9898

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WCM Fame: 16
Rank: 42,932 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 1
Total Views: 11,165
Zygor Guides

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