How to: Get to the hidden elf house and Northern Plaguelands von Volcovis
Class: Unbekannt | Category: Underground | Server : Other - Unknown
3.41 /5 19 ? ? 50 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is a movie I made a little while ago, but only now have gotten around the uploading. It shows how to get to the land north of Eastern Plaguelands, as well as how to get to a secret elf house. Im sure this has been done before, but it was new to me, and 'self-discovered' (I had no previous knowledge of this location, so for me, I discorvered it, but Im sure others have done the same).

This was all done after 1.9


~~!!!EDIT!!!~~ (22/02/06)
After receiving mail about the place in my movie not being there, I went to investigate. It seems Blizzard has modified the land around the area I used to climb up, and it is no longer accesible. Im very sorry for the inconvinience.
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