Obsidian Vs Lich King 10 HC von FoxyLocky
Class: Mehrere | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Silvermoon ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary
Obsidian killing Lich King 10HC

Obsidian is a newly formed raiding guild getting ready for Cataclysm.
We are a core of people raided before back on Saurfang, with the upcoming expansion we decided to get or core back together and go raid again on a serious lvl.

In or 2nd week of raiding we visited Halion HC and killed it within 2 hours of or first pull.
The week after we decided it was time for the Lich King.
The fight itself is amazing, love the mechanics, to bad we didnt go to him before the 30% buff. But still love the fight.
Took us around 3 hours from learning to killing.
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