Shadowpriest World PVP von Stynxxe
Class: Priester | Category: PvP | Server : US - Mal'Ganis ( Stormstrike )
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Movie Summary
This is Stynxxe, 60 Undead Priest of Mal'ganis, in my first PVP movie.

I rolled a Priest alt for the sole purpose of showing just how powerful even an undergeared shadow Priest can be.

In this movie I tried to incorporate all the aspects of PVP movies I enjoy (World PVP) and exclude the things I dislike in PVP movies (battlegrounds, too many special effects). The end result is a movie that features entirely world PVP with a few arranged duels, and hopefully no over-the-top editing to get in the way of watching how I play. All of the footage was recorded in the last 4 days, so if you fought me in that time chances are you'll see yourself in here. :)

I hoped to make it so that everyone that I fight either outgears or outnumbers me, and the movie features a handful of Grand Marshals and BWL / AQ40 geared players to my alt.

My important addons include:

Nurfed, Scrolling Combat Text, SpellAlert, Carnival Enemy Casting bars, CooldownCount, CCWatch.

All the music is listed as it begins in the movie (another pet peeve of some PVP movies).

Questions / Feedback:

You can usually find me on Gamesurge IRC in #malganis..
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4.00 /5

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Zygor Guides

Movie Achievements

Views: 9,346
Daily Views: 1
Rating: 4.00 / 5
Category Rank: 19937

Author Information

WCM Fame: 3
Rank: 61,956 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 1
Total Views: 9,346
Zygor Guides

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