HM VI: Spellbound (3.3.5.) von Hitmaster
Class: Magier | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Test Server EU (PvP)
4.87 /5 26 ? ? 559 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hey guys.
so I've finally fullfilled my desire to make a mage movie. I used three different mages on three different servers. Gear is ranging from pretty shit to pretty insane (passive Bloodlust? yes please).
Circumstances didn't allow me to record during summer so I was stuck with the footage that I had when I made the teaser. Semester starts very soon and I'm kinda tired of WotLK after all this time so I decided to go with it. It was either that, or nothing at all. I chose the first option.
That being said, I enjoyed the process once again and I still hope some of you, fellow WCM members, will find my latest movie entertaining.

Turn up the volume and enjoy!

What to expect:

- Wotlk 3.3.5.
- mostly BG footage
- a little world pvp
- 1vN
- opponents attacking images
- opponents not using interrupts
- opponents... you get the point
- frost and some fire PoV
- Some zooms and stuff
- Some fights being rather easy
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Average Rating:

4.87 /5

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Zygor Guides

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Views: 115,753
Daily Views: 36
Rating: 4.87 / 5
Category Rank: 1941
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