Shake That! von BaronSoosdon
Class: Unbekannt | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Twilight's Hammer ( Blackout )
4.82 /5 348 ? ? 44 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Have you ever wondered what the NPC's do while the servers are on maintenance? I managed to slip a gnome through the cables to Blizzard's mainframe and here is the truth!

No �ber-editing this time, nor a high definition version. This movie was done just for pure fun of it :) No model or mapviewing at all, the movie was made completely using the WoW client and an emulator (a.k.a. private server).
.emote 10 FTW!

Scooter - Shake That!

Other movies by me:
Sin City Azeroth: The Customer Is Always Right
Unlimited Escapism vol. 2
Snoman Remixed
Raid Together, Die Alone

Even more stuff:
The Nublock Archive v0.1
A small site I made, just a list of all my released movies.

Blog Of Baron Soosdon
Urgh, my blog! I'll be writing there more in-depth making of stuff etc for no-one to read. And I'll try to add boobie pics there sometime :P
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