BC SUCKS! Vol. 1 von Studawtf
Class: Magier | Category: Guides | Server : US - Zuluhed ( Stormstrike )
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Movie Summary
When BC came out I joined the leveling frenzy. Appauled by Blizzards actions of creating the game into a rep grinding, arena spamming, and pvp broken POS...I quit and made a mage to 60 to try and start a revolution!!!

I did not try to edit my way out of this movie nor showcase that I'm "THE BEST, SKILLED MAGE EVER" but advertising the power behind what use to be SKILL! Which is now stomped out by resillience and epic gear that can be achieved within a few days and requires almost no effort.

Haters can hate & lovers can love, but those who are against me simply DO NOT or DID NOT understand the prime of World of Warcraft...

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