Redemption II: The Calling - Trailer von Dragonwhelp Productions
Class: Krieger | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Wildhammer ( Misery )
4.67 /5 44 ? ? 27 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
It�s on its way! And this is the trailer for the second part in the Redemption Trilogy, The Calling! The trailer will give you the general feel of the movie and so I hope you�ll give comments in the form of constructive criticism! If you have any ideas or thoughts please share them and help us improve! Down rating does not make anyone happy!

Please take just a small amount of time and download it too see it in 480p resolution instead of that crappy streaming video!

I got no ETA to provide you with at the moment. But I�ll be sure to announce it once I can give it too you!

Part One can be seen here:

As you will notice I have improved in machinima making. A lot to the constructive criticism I got from the first part!.
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