Warlock Vs. World - Solo Blood Furnace, Underbog(3) and more von Celissa
Class: Hexenmeister | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Kazzak ( Misery )
4.40 /5 78 ? ? 284 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Dysphorias last "Hunter vs World" inspired me to try the same concept as a Warlock.

It turned out decent, even though Hunters definately got the upper hand to pull off a thing like this. The "feign death haxx" where you just let the boss/mob run between you and your pet with no one ever getting hit cant be used by Warlocks, we have to resign to a different approach.

Sure, sl/sl in full pvp gear could probably have tanked most of the bosses I've managed to down pretty easily.
I did however refuse to specc it, using Felguard for some parts and affliction for some parts of the movie.

I attempted The Black Stalker and Tavarok, which Dysphoria succesfully killed, but couldn't do it due to class differences.
Sure, I have an aggro dump with soulshatter and can get the boss back on my pet if I nuke my ass off to get him down faster, but I can do it once.
Mend pet > Health funnel by far. I can only dps with dots when channeling that thing, and it is not enough for The Black Stalker.
Tavarok simply stuns either me or my pet down with his crystal prison ability, it cuts off 50% of your max hp and stuns you for a few secs. Hunters can avoid it with some feign death skills.

All in all I'm still happy with the result. Hunters will rule supreme for soloing stuff throughout TBC as well, but who knows what WOTLK will bring?

I did an attempt to add a story line in the movie, some RP stuff to make it more worth to watch, but it is the first time I really try to make something work with model viewer and stuff like that. I am also still pretty new to editing, I've done a few raid-boss kill movies, but those are simple as hell. I do not study anything like this and I simply experiment with the functions trying to get things straight!
I had to alternate my original story a hundred times due to limits in editing-skills, I'm not totally satisfied with the result, but I guess I should be happy with it for a first try.

End of Wall of Text, I hope Dysphoria will keep up his Hunter vs World series, and I will try to do it Warlock style!.
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