Marksmanship Hunter 7.0.3 PVP Guide par Return
Class: Chasseur | Category: PvP | Serveur : US - Emerald Dream ( Shadowburn )
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Hey folks,

Seems like a lot of people are having trouble with MM in PVP during pre-patch. If you're anything like me, you want your hunter to be ranged, so survival is out, and you want it to take brain cells to operate your class, which means BM is out.

I've assembled a comprehensive guide for MM in prepatch that goes over quite a bit, including:

-An Overview of new Skills, Talents, Rotations, and a couple Macros

-Duels/fights against all 12 classes, with analysis of wins/losses (mostly 22-2600 players, where I could get them and where relevant)

-World PVP with 1v1/1vX discussion and analysis

-Discussion of new MM meta, positioning, kiting and abilities

Youtube Link:

This video is extensive; I've included a time stamp that you can skip to early on if you're just looking to get into the duels/pvp. Long story short, I don't feel like MM is dead at all right now (in prepatch). Don't get me wrong, at 110 it needs a lot of tuning - we have way too many artifact talents that hinge on the use of aimed shot (which I am avoiding like the plague right now in PVP), and there are many fixes that still need to be made, so keep up your feedback to Blizzard. However, MM is fun and definitely viable in prepatch right now, and with the extra CC from Freezing Arrow, I can see it being viable in a number of different comps (as well as casual/wpvp as well).

Feedback is appreciated; I'm planning on doing a guide for 110 with legion launch, including some arena with MM, so if I missed anything you'd like included next time around, just let me know.

Peace, and best of luck my ranged hunter brothers.

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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