HOLY S*** (Holy Priest farming) par fatalstriketwo
Class: Pr�tre | Category: Underground | Serveur : US - Dragonblight ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary
Nothing too big. Just farming Dire Maul boss: Mol'dar. Can do this on most any class(You will soon see why). Need to be spec'd for Holy Nova if you are a Priest and it's helpful to be spec'd for Inner Fire, as well. Helpful if you are an enchanter to disenchant theBlue/Green BoP items. Once you get this down you can do it in less then 7 minutes(drink up, pull, drink up, go all out on the boss). I'm up to around 3,000 gold now. Been doing this for a few months.

-Don't get caught in the middle of the block or he will evade
-Don't let the doggies get too close to you
-He enrages at 50% and calls for help, so beware
-There is a pat that comes by every 5 minutes so wait for him to pass prior to pulling the boss
-Combat mana potions FTW in sticky situations
-Mind Soothe is your friend, but CAN be resisted -BE AWARE-
-Little plant are at the 2nd and 3rd bug pulls. They can be dangerous. Break them with full mana prior to pulling the boss.
-Plants summon: Adds, green posion, roots.
-Holy Nova uses alot of mana. Low manapools may need a mana buff.
-Inner Fire is a must on the bug pulls. Shielding prior to pulling is essential too.
-Trying boss a few times nude or w/o armor may prove best until you have this down.
-No experiance with other classes, but it is doable with most.
-AoE knockback. So DON'T let him get close.
-If you are hit back by his knockback, lift back up to the ledge and continue. If he knocks you back, you will be stunned for 3 seconds. Jump in the air twords the ledge as soon as you hit the ground. This will make up for the stun.

~There is no 'real' editing
~Use of only free, 30 second, Fraps

Don't expect a pro-quality movie =)

Hope you enjoy it and learn something..
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