Worlds Fastest Stratholme Solo by INVA
Class: Mage | Category: How To/Guides | Server : US - Skullcrusher ( Ruin )
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Movie Summary
Baron was killed in just under 6 minutes since entering the instance, many don't factor in the time it takes from start to finish, just entering the second gate till they kill baron, i have browsed many sites trying to find a faster kill, but as far as I've seen this is the fastest!
To make the speed run go faster i do a couple things that save 2-3+ minutes on the run. Mainly it comes down to not aggroing extra mobs and avoiding lengthy delays such as the gate after the second boss, or being locked out of the slaughter house for 3-4 minutes!

I incorporated some extra clips explaining what not to do, they're simple but helpful!

And yes i did use mana pots for the speedrun, on average taking it a little easier and looting all bosses and extra mobs pulled i take about 6.5-7 minutes to down baron, though in the case i decided to hall some ass;)!

The clock was not sped up at all, nothing was altered in that sense, it was legit. After baron was killed i sped up the movie but again the clock itself was not sped up!

For those of you who want the baron mount i hope this is helpful:)!

Taking back control - Sparta

This could be anywhere in the world - Alexisonfire
thanks for watching

pvp movie inc!;)
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