Method vs FreyaV2 (1 Elder) PTR by protec
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Sylvanas ( Rampage )
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Movie Summary

we already have one Freya movie up here on WCM but when Freya came up again on the PTR many things had changed. Her difficulty was increased and we tried her with 3,2 and 1 add up for quite some time. The HardMode is perfectly tuned (3 adds) it realy isnt easy at all but we didnt have enough time to go for it so i can only show you a one add kill. It still is very different from the Video our mage posted because in this new version of her some people can die :)

Res.: 1920x1200
PoV: HolyPala

I got asked if im using clique, healbot or anything, im not using any of those.

Why 2x Raidframes? If you crash on the ptr and relogg infight your grid can bug + xperl isnt displaying the tooltipp of debuffs on the ptr but the blizz frames are. We didnt get any help of the GMs on this (No Uber T-Shirts, no rezz, no repair guy etc).

Hope you enjoy it!

Tracks used:
Daniel Kandi und Robert Nickson - Liberate

Armin Van Buuren vs Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love

A voice From Darkness (Trance)

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