Six Silent Shadows- (ft. Akrios, Bizzlesnaff, Buddhist, Mahikosan, Saeyon, Unmercey) by Bizzlesnaff
Class: Unknown | Category: PvP | Server : US - Stonemaul ( Cyclone )
4.93 /5 943 ? ? 956 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

The Six Silent Shadows-
(in order shown)- Akrios, Saeyon, Mahikosan, Unmercey, Bizzlesnaff, Buddhist.

Thank you to Glenn G. Goa of for the incredible narrator's voice!

**The download is higher quality than the stream, however due to the large file size I understand if people are hesitant to download =P It's worth it...**

The way it all began was about a month or so back after talking to Mahiko about doing some editing for him, I suggested maybe doing a compilation video with a few of the other rogues from around here. I explained how it seemed unusual that they all knew each other, were almost all on the same server....yet had never came together for a video - enter Bizzlesnaff. With some help, a little bit of nagging, and over 400GB of video files the product was this.

For this video, I wanted to be able to appeal to all kinds of PvPers and WCM watchers. I put forth my best effort into making something that arena bums, bg'ers, world pvp'ers, machinama peeps, and duelists alike could all enjoy - while still adding my own kind of style to it. That being said, I know many parts (especially the music) may not be the majority's particular flavor, and if that's the case I'd suggest just muting, playing whatever you enjoy - and rolling along with it. However - for a blend of skill, entertainment, and overall quality I think this video has something for everybody.

Notes (*what is in the video*):

- 2300+ 2's and 3's Arenas from various rogues. (the Celex POV clips are from Mahikosans 3s team)

- Duels / BGs / World PvP / Joke Clips

- There is a large variety of music used, however the majority is of the hip-hop variety.

- Champp Jones makes a guest appearance in the intermission portion.


The Ecstasy of Gold - by Ennio Morricone
Dump the Clip - by Army of the Pharaohs
Reset - by Mutemath
The Horror/Ghostwriter -by RJD2
Ay Mami - by DJ Zeph & Azeem
Various - Street Fighter IV OST
Imperial Interlude - by DJ Zeph
Battle - by Gang Starr
On A Boat - by The Lonely Island
Moment of Truth - Gang Starr

I really can't say thanks enough for the support (overseas, ...yech) and back here, and while working on this video. To anyone left out of credits(cordellius, sluggoboyce, thebryce, FLEKZ!!!), who I forgot to mention, who has helped, who still makes this boring ass game fun, etc. know I have nothing but love for you.

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