Banjo's Bad Fur Day Episode 2: Home Sweet Home by WowOutcast
Class: Hunter | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Dragonmaw ( Reckoning )
4.89 /5 38 ? ? 751 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
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FINALLY! after much hard work and all that jazz, EPISODE 2 IS DONE!!

This is the story of what happened to Banjo During the Cataclysm. Seeing that Camp T was destroyed, I felt that their was a loose end to tie. Banjo and Kazooie eventually find a new place to live which will be permanent for the rest of the shows running....or until that is destroyed too!!

Jack Fleigler's Channel
Stodluke's Channel
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 60,814
Daily Views: 12
Rating: 4.89 / 5
Category Rank: 880
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