Er�x 100k Souls 60 PVP by Koshi (Sakuzyo)
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Frostmourne ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
Er�x - 100k Souls. Created in celebration of Er�x's 100k HK's. Edited by Koshi and filmed on Frostmourne (US PVP). Features a few RTZS Members and *Bloodlust 60's. That said, the 60 Bracket has evolved since the last time I made a 60 video, so the PVP is slightly different (More so that everyone hits like a brick.) A few questions were asked of me, so here it goes:

Q: Why do you frequently change gear sets?
A: Okay, I'm an avid believer in BiS (Best in Slot) however, I feel that if you're savvy at your class you can kill them in whatever suit you like.

Q: Why don't you play Subtlety?
A: I hear this one a lot --Why dont u just 1-shot ambush? To be honest I'm not a fan of sub (pre-70) I understand that the damage as sub is much higher than that of Combat, or Assassination; again if you're savvy you'll be good at any spec you get your hands on, even without the 31st talent.

Q: Renataki is no longer obtainable, as with other ZG and Naxxramas items
A: Every now and then someone complains about Renataki and how extremely powerful it is since it restores 60 Energy. It's true that Renataki is some-what powerful, but OP, nah. As for Naxx items, at this point in time a person in Naxx Gear is just as much of a viable kill then someone in full Warlord/Grand marshal -- they're nothing extremely special.

Q: Whats that Green glowy stuff near the end?
A: Ages ago Rogues had style.

Q: Swirly ball?
A "" "" falls under the same catagorey

Q: Who is Akuzetsu?
A: My 80 warlock alt and possibly a sign of things to come.

Q: Some of your opponents seem really dull, or you kill them too quick.
A: That is something nice about twinking, you can roll a class, test it out and if you dont like it, roll something else. Oh and "Eviscerate has static damage."

Thats all for the questions for now, I'll be glad to answer any questions that you may have.
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