Movie Summary
This is an idea I've had since school got out near the beginning of May. I wanted to share the memories I've had while playing World of Warcraft since I've essentially retired from the game in Cataclysm. So this is my last hoorah of how much fun WoW was for me. The video covers almost seven years of my adventures, starting from Vanilla all the way to the end of Wrath of the Lich King.
This is a video based from this:
Here is why each scene is important to me:
Time by Hans Zimmer (Inception Soundtrack)
Programs Used:
Sony Vegas 8.0
World of Warcraft
WoW Machinima Tool
WoW Model Viewer
Here are the pictures that are featured from this video as a preview to the finished film:
The process of making each of these scenes in the video is time-consuming. I first take a screenshot of the background from WoW and then film a scene with it. Afterwards, I go into WoW Model Viewer and create my character with appropriate posing and armor. Then, I save the picture and put it into GIMP along with the background. Here, I do the editing of the models including lighting, shading, shadows, effects, clouds, and what not. All of these layers are saved individually and then are uploaded into Sony Vegas. From there, I crop and pan each picture so that the scene is finished. The most strenuous part of this whole process is key-framing the models to the ground while the camera is in motion. It takes a good two hours to get a picture and a scene complete.
A scene usually has the background recording, the model, and a black model underneath the actual model. The black model is there so that when the camera fades out, the model doesn't fade and appear transparent. The black model prevents the transparent issue. There's your educational fact of the day.
If you like this video, check out my other videos:
COMING SOON: Around the World of Warcraft 2