Shadowcraft 1 - Rogue PvP - Kronos by Frostmourne
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Aegwynn ( Blutdurst )
4.63 /5 17 ? ? 1174 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The first PvP movie ever released on KronosWOW Private Server.

I made this video a few weeks after the server came to live, so it's quite some years old.

I upload it to WCM so I'll never lose it. I don't play on Kronos anymore.

Original release-thread can be found here:

Edit: I don't play WoW anymore. I'll come here every now and then for a remaster. If you wanna contact me for another remaster, please do so here:

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Views: 85,544
Daily Views: 28
Rating: 4.63 / 5
Category Rank: 2760
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