Niar - FEEL THE PAIN CLASSIC - Rank14 Rogue World PvP by Niar - Feel The Pain
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
2.73 /5 16 ? ? 1616 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
It's been a long time guys..! We are back to the best game EVER, that we all LOVE, at its finest stage! This is absolutely the most action packed video by Niar so far!!!

Niar made a lot of PvP videos @ 60 back in the days, as a Rank14 Rogue, helping people out by sharing his playing style :)

Video was recorded during 2 days of random world PvP, and contains plenty engineering abuse / tricks! Gear in this video is all greens/blues, no epics. Server: Razorgore (Eu)

All my MAJOR/older 60 videos can be found here:

Come say hi to my twitch, and watch INSANE PvP live!! :) (and see what I do outside the videos..)

Twitch URL:

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Views: 66,894
Daily Views: 37
Rating: 2.73 / 5
Category Rank: 3519
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