Movie Summary
This is a short guide for good equiped hunters to kill a lv. 60-61 elite Chimaerok without heal/nature potions.
Chimaeroks life in feralas on an island in western of "Feathermoon Stronghold", they are not easy to kill. They have 31k+ of life and make a lot of nature damage.
Why should somebody kill these beasts?
- they drop �Chimaerok Tenderloins� for �Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops�
- are needed for the AQ scepter quest
- when it is possible to kill it solo, why not?
You can kill the �Arcane Chimaeroks� as a hunter too, but they are more difficult.
I made this video because I know that mages or warlocks can easy solo them, but I found nothing on the web for hunters and I was very boring.