Coldtail lvl70 mage BG PvP by Coldtail
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Kazzak ( Misery )
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Movie Summary
Ok acording to the comments from the previous video I've done a total redo.
Spent 3 weeks on taking new clips and stuff, and some more time on editting as well.
This is considering the second serious movie I've done.

Here are what you won't expect from my video:

-Killer gear
All I have is none set honor epics from vendor,
a rep sword and a random off-hand from normal instance,
2 pieces of gladiator and another 2 pieces of lvl 70 blue pvp gear.
I'm with about 290 resilience, 620 spelldmg and 10% crit.

-Huge crits
In the video I'm 17/44/0 most of the time so you won't expect a 3k+ crit.
Means there is no pewpew ownage.

-Cooldown abuses
Apart from Combusion (and maybe one AP and a PoMsheep in one of the encounters)
you'd never see any cooldown being activated in the video.
Or any fights like bursting the first opponent with Combusion,sheep the second then evocation and so on.

-1v3 or more
Well the thing is that 1v2 for a fire mage is about the limit,
unless you have something to do with above that's listed.
Sure I can go frost and own 3+ players,
but there is already countless frost mage videos out there.

-Engineering abuse/Tidal charm
Though I'm an engineer the only thing I actualy used in my video is the Frost Grenade.
(Maybe shadow reflector in one of the encounters)
I cba to use adamantite grenades since the mats are ridiculous.
Also it's an easy way to win with stuns which I don't want.

-Pure ownage skill
You will see flaws. I'm not a PvPer that can make the right decision every single time.
But I'm pretty sure I do for the most of the time.
I might be lucky in some situations, but that's what a pvp movie is :]

-ZOMGWTFBBQ special effects
As I said I'm a noob with Vegas,
but anyway I've tried hard to make it look interesting as it can.

-Japanese songs
I made a wrong decision about choice of music in the last one,
That's something I'm sure would be improved this time.

-World PvP
It says "battleground pvp" on the title and I'm on a PvE realm, what do you expect?
As Kzn said in her video "You can go f**k some goats if you don't like it" *sarcasm*

Sorry about all the clips in AV,
Though I've recorded some I just couldn't find any interesting encounters in other BG.

If you can be bothered to read all these crap and been warned, then I hope you can enjoy it. :].
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