Pashion of the Gladiator by abilities
Class: Priest | Category: PvP | Server : US - Destromath ( Rampage )
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Movie Summary

I am a 5v5 season one (11th) and season two (2nd) Gladiator in the Rampage Battlegroup as a Discipline priest. I rolled this character at the launch of TBC after playing a rogue and a mage at 60. I�ve been playing with the same group of players since we quit doing PvE with Soj and Reign on Kalecgos and started PvPing on Altar of Storms. I PvPed with Skullz and MK XII until just kind of quitting until TBC.
Initially, we rolled on Auchindoun but quickly saw how terrible it was going to be so somehow Kodex came up with Destromath (he later told us he meant Mannoroth). We did fairly well in season one running myself in damage gear, yet I was 28/33, a feral druid, a frost mage, many different paladins, a warrior, and a elemental shaman. Beginning of season 2 I went shadow and was somewhat disappointed on its performance in arena but I loved the crazy shit I could pull off in world PvP and BGs.
I wanted to go back to playing 2345 still pretty early in season 2 and went the cookie cutter 28/33�and immediately hated it. I stuck it out for a couple of weeks, re-speccing shadow on days we didn't do arena, but finally decided to look into discipline. At that point the dispel resist portion of pain suppression wasn't working but the damage I saw my shaman put out was worth it. However, a patch was coming out soon that fixed that the dispel resistance bug.
The team then gained what really made Discipline worth it; Psihealz, a T6 Paladin that could pvp. He could keep me up without BR and PS was perfect for when he got silenced or cc'd. We shot up to rank one in a matter of weeks, and stayed there. The season was supposed to end but they pushed it back a week a new patch came with focused will in it and every arena priest spec'd Discipline.
Somehow the second place team gained a lot of points from the third place team due to disconnects, like eleven times. Then they farmed one point teams all the way up to us. So we suddenly are forced to play and in the end that second place team beat us at some stupid time in the morning.
So, we lost the titles because we weren't used to the other team having Power Infusion as well as some other factors. Well whatever�titles don't really matter anymore. Season three hits, the team falls apart. We did 10 games a week for a little bit and then regressed to not doing them at all. I did 3's for points as MPR for a while. Then, I think Teirisias suggested we run our current combo and now we are having success.

The Movie:

-5v5 Arena
-2346 with what seems to be a restoration shaman.
-Straight to the Bank
-3v3 Arena


Everything In Its Right Place


Jay Z and DJ Danger Mouse

Gone, Gone, Gone
The New Deal

White Walls
Between the Buried and Me ( might be a bit heavy for some of you)

Striaght to the Bank
50 Cent

Sun of Nothing
Between the Buried and Me

I know I spelled exactly wrong right before the 3v3 part, it was too late to redo everything by than. Also one terrible wotf in the a match that I still boggle at. I tried to make priest pvp somewhat interesting but maybe tried too hard to do it with effects. My characters name is Pash for anyone not understand the title, "Pash"ion making a play on words with the word passion.

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