2300 + Fire Mage / Rogue - Joys of a Fire Mage - Reincinerated by cabosco
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Blackrock ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
Hi, I am cabosco and this is my 4th pvp movie. In this movie you will see:

I highly reccomend downloading because the quality is so much better.

1 v X world pvp
2300 +2v2 arena acompanied by Johnee
Engineering (boots, belt, and grenades)
tons of damage and cooldowns
undead model editing
some better editting

While there is a ton of damage in this film, I tried not to make it crazy filled with crits and make it as realistic as possible.

In everyone of my movies I always tried to bring something new to the table that you may not see in other mage movies. In this case its a new spec. There are so many frost mages out there now I decided to mix it up and go FIRE!!! We are the only Fire Mage / Rogue 2300+ and the only Fire Mage / Rogue 2100+ in bg 9. We have been in the #1 position for Mage / Rogue multiple times.

In the 2v2 section my computer crashed and I lost a lot of my 2v2 footage because of this you will not see some compositions.IE druid / hunter, druid / rogue, warlock / rogue, or shadow priest / rogue. Nevertheless, I started frapsing again and picked up where I left off.

Look for some familiar faces on WCM
2v2 Commentary

First off, Johnee and I are both human and it gives us a huge advantage versus any team with stealth.

Warrior / Druid - If we can find the druid, I cc the warrior with sheep and frost nova and blow cds into the druid. We try to lock out the druid with as many silences as possible. If we can not find the druid we start on the warrior with heavy pressure. When the warrior gets to about 50%, Johnee switches to the druid and blinds. Try to force the druid to use swiftmend or NS.The druid will then trinket and we cc the warrior and kill the druid.

Druid / Warlock - If we can find the druid, same as druid warrior. If we can not find the druid, we start on the warlock stacking scorches and putting heavy pressue on the warlock forcing him to spell lock my fire tree. I then sheep the lock.The druid should have come out by now so you can switch to him.

Feral Druid / Rogue - Contrary to what you may have seen in Deep's movie, we do not necessarily go on the druid. In any double dps our main goal is to burst one down as quickly as possible whichever one we find first. Whichever one opens up on you is the one you kill pretty much. Try to use your cooldowns during a stun so you can avoid the CloS if you are on the rogue. If on the druid burn them whenever you can kill him.

Frost Mage / Rogue - CC mage and kill the rogue. This composition should be fairly easy for fire mage / rogue. Make sure your rogue loads up on bleeds and use your cds during a stun.

Priest / Rogue - Generally we try to cc the priest and kill the rogue. Less pressure on the mage so I can be free to cc and do damage, being a fire mage your survivability is cut short heaps. If you have a priest in a full sheep or blind use your cds and burn the rogue through the cheat death. Usually its better to use them after the rogue uses his CloS and pain suppression.
Not in Movie
Teams such as druid / rogue, druid / hunter, Shadow Priest / Rogue or Warlock / Rogue are not in this movie, however here are some strats.

Druid / Rogue - If we can not find the druid, The rogue will start on the mage and your rogue should open on him with cheap shot. Its basically the same thing you would do vs a Warrior / Druid comp.

Shadow Priest / Rogue - We have found it easiest to start on the priest. After your rogues cheapshot > kidney, make sure he CloS to avoid a fear. Burn your cds early and keep your distance from the priest to avoid fear. You can ice block the silence you just may be running the risk of getting fear / blinded.

Warlock / Rogue - Start on warlock and blow cds. Should be a fairly easy fight unless your rogue gets sapped. Don't bother casting spells really you will just get locked out and trying to sheep a rogue vs a good Warlock / Rogue will not happen.

Druid / Hunter - Start on hunter if you can not find the druid. Ice block the silencing shot if you have to follow same strat as you would for warrior / druid. Try splitting dps if you are running into problems, blow your cooldowns durning a gouge / kidney if he trinkets have your rogue blind him and switch to kill the hunter.


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WCM Fame: 49
Rank: 2,507 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 4
Total Views: 182,066
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