Removed links to vids due to music issue....
Vol II and possibly the last of it's kind in length etc (it just takes too long to get through this kind of project and my time is way too limited)
Just in case you're wondering who fell through the roof...
"The Prologue" Here:
Which really is the start to this film and should help tie this one together for some people missing the point a bit...
Okay this whole thing started as an exercise in getting some models out of the wow exporter into Maya.
It was a relatively easy process but the models needed to be cut up and organized to get a rig into them for animating. (A rig is the underlying bones etc to make the model move)
The first Unstunted was going to be the mainstream approach for unstunted, lots of little clips around 30seconds each of various creatures having the shit kicked out of them for being nasty to Gnomes.
So nothing to do with story, just little moments in time clips as a poo poo to the community for being rude to Gnomes (a fun one not a serious one)
How ever after a talk to a dear friend of mine *curse you Trumble* the idea of a Hero came about and I thought I'd just go ahead and animate the entire Weapon of Choice music video by Fat Boy Slim!
This idea was going to take ages and dancing in animation is a lot of work. So when it became obvious that was never going to get finished I had to change tacks and figure something else out.
So essentially this was born from that idea and became a revenge piece / intro to the future smaller animations. This isn't your typical beginning middle and end story, it's more a moment in time / setup of a situation. Out of this we can have hundreds of little videos of the Hero or other Gnomes getting their own back without my having to create some kind of 90min feature film animation (which would take me 10 years)
Essentially the idea is that things have changed in the force.. in this land of WoW you better be holding on tight to your testicles because there is one particular Gnome who is now doing something about all the years of torment... and he's much much better than you at getting what he wants ...
-The sitting staring at the start, the opening matches the Fat Boy Slim video pretty much exactly...
Anyways enjoy
(or not, you choose... I don't mind which)
Additional Information:
-Models exported via WoWModelViewer & Milkshape into Maya
-Models cleaned up for rigging (made symmetrical etc)
-All chars rigged and hand keyframed.
-All sets created from individual models from wow exporter
-13 odd thousand frames rendered (yes I'm a nub I had to re render a few things it's prob more like 25thousand but wth...)
-Some shots took upwards of 48hrs to render out *need a faster machine*
-7.4GB of rendered images
Screenshots reside at check the Prologue Behind the Scenes for now.
PS: thanks for all the great comments etc, if there are any questions I'll be updating here when I get through them all..
PS: Sorry for some of the brighter then darker versions the conversions are doing weird things and I'm too tired to figure them out :)
Copywrite works like this ... you can NOT repost this work, rename it etc without MY permission, so don't be a ProGamerElite on youtube and rip my work off plz.