Movie Summary
hey guys,
in the last days i was farming the baron mount in stratholme pretty much, because blizzard changed the drop chance to 1/100.
Some guys from my server asked me why im so fast, so i made this litte movie to show how you can run through strath without any mob pulls.
Remember in this video you dont see any kind of pvp. also you don't see my main gear. i used extra bad gear to show that its easy to farm without any special gear.
8k life
9k mana
594 spelldmg
with my main gear it takes me 10 - 11 min to clear the instance. also you can use invisibility potion so you dont have to wait that invisibility is ready again.
in the end of the video u see my spec. its important that you spec imp blizzard and slow for the last mob group before baron.
well i hope you like it and i�ll see you in lecken licks fire 3 soon:D
Vega (krag'jin) - LE LECK MAN (Give him some good feedback. I think he is a great singer);p
BON JOVI - Wanted dead or alive
The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
Addon to show fingers of frost and brain freeze
greetz lecken
edit: the first group i killed is not really necassary to kill, you can just walk pass them on their left and to the gate.
Running raids every week but getting no loot? M+ isn't dropping anything either? Blazing Boost can guarantee your loot!