Northrend Wonderland by Johan V�gstedt
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Aerie Peak ( Misery )
4.98 /5 139 ? ? 172 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Yay :D

The winner of the Wegame Christmas Contest.

Northrend Wonderland

Holliday shopping got you down?
Having a hard time finding your holliday cheer?
You're not alone.
Even a Lich King can get the blues!

Please join us in Northrend, as Arthas Menethil aka The Lich King explores his feelings for the Winter's Veil season. Directed by Johan V�¥gstedt (
and featuring Matt Greenberg as Arthas with additional vocals by Glenn X. Govan (aka Caruu,, this dark comedy rendition of a classic Christmas tune is sure to bring a smile to your face provide you with a good laugh even if you're not a World of Warcraft player. .
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