Huggles Vs. World by Noahdraron
Class: Death Knight | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Azshara ( Glutsturm )
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Movie Summary
Hi again!

Here's my big solo movie, including some Heroic instances, level 60 and 70 raids and a few interesting boss variants to make all this a bit less boring, for me and everyone who watches this video.

The gear I used can be found here:

My spec for the 3.0.8 parts:
(3.0.2 was almost the same, no Will of the Necropolis but included Shadow of Death)

Please download the video for best visual quality!


00:00-01:34 - Intro

01:35-05:05 - Heroic Shadow Labyrinth

05:06-07:40 - Heroic Shattered Halls

07:41-13:18 - Zul'Gurub

13:19-17:47 - Karazhan

17:48-25:12 - Molten Core

25:13-28:24 - Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj + Credits


Q: zomg DKs r teh overpoward!!1
A: No u. Why did you even watch the movie if you knew it would contain something you don't like?

Q: Why didn't you include Boss X / Instance Y?
A: Because they are either too trivial or I haven't figured them out yet. (hi Gehennas)

Q: Why tanking gear and Blood spec?
A: A lot of the encounters shown in the movie can be easily done with DPS gear, but I like the endurance-oriented style and tanking in general more. I also feel that the on-demand heals from Blood are necessary for the harder bosses, especially after the Death Strike (Glyph) nerf.

Q: So why do you do this? Why should ANYONE do this?
A: It's fun and challenging, something you can't say about much of the new content. I also made about 1000 gold by making this video and got some nice oldschool vanity items. :).
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Rating: 3.39 / 5
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WCM Fame: 45
Rank: 2,879 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 3
Total Views: 39,694
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