Server view : Eredar

Title Class Date Size Rating DLs
TEARDROPS 1 - Sub Rog 9.0.1 PvP MontagRogue20-11-12333-9406
Armut - 49 Shaman - WoW Classic PvP TwShaman20-06-01530-18840
BFA | How it feels to play/face these Rogue19-08-09115-12540
SP/Rogue More old stuff AT/Warmane WotPriest18-02-17208-27385
AT Sp/Rogue (just some old clips)Priest17-05-31858-40042
Wulong "BG" Reload 6.2Shaman16-04-091831-36069
Socrethar AthenaPaladin16-03-19499-15855
Drown IIPaladin15-08-01180-55898
Holinka PvP VisionPaladin15-07-3128-14754
Drown IPaladin15-03-06564-108796
[GER] How I Met My Ranking vs ImperatoRogue14-12-251249-15575
Aethox Oneshot!Mage14-12-1224-10960
WoW WoD Frost Mage LvL 100 PvP MontageMage14-12-101193-47741
Nya 3- Multiclass arenas (2.6+ ) TEASEDruid14-12-0815-24439
RLM#3 - WoW MoP Rogue PvP [5.4.8 SubtlRogue14-09-1085-36216
Ultimus Deathknight - NO ESCAPEDeath Knight14-09-06186-10629
Warlock 1v2 ArenaWarlock14-09-01365-15838
Warlock 1v2 PvPWarlock14-08-311017-35726
RLM#2 - WoW MoP Rogue PvP & Elemental Rogue14-08-26275-15755
RLM #1 - WoW MoP Rogue PvP [5.4.8 SubtRogue14-08-24302-26013
Chenfoo 3Warlock14-02-241393-18910
Enhancement: Timeless Isle - Minitage�Unknown14-02-0894-52254
Wulong Total �l�minationShaman13-11-18524-30317
Gold Cap - I want to be a MillionaireUnknown13-10-12273-111531
Boonsai & Mates IIDruid13-10-07282-16216
3v3 Arena Restodruid Eleshaman IcemageDruid13-10-05211-16463
World's fastest run speed - Engineer MDeath Knight13-09-27148-101364
Hyrii 7Shaman13-09-16834-152162
Tears of Abaddon 2T vs Lei Shen HC 25Priest13-09-02502-23563
Closerangel Disc Mage 2k+Priest13-08-20502-24176
Dafuqlol - Arms Warrior Arena GamesWarrior13-08-06141-9183
Dafuqlol - Arms Warrior 5.3Warrior13-07-31241-7362
Closerangel Disc KFC HD!Priest13-07-21261-19198
Closerangel ShadowPriest action HD!Priest13-07-19338-20273
Field of View Madness - limits of the Druid13-06-10197-47198
A new unexplored perspective - World oDruid13-06-01177-20267
Hyrii 6: Ele Arena MontageShaman13-05-230-94877
80's Owl ganks LvL 90 low LvL gankersDruid13-05-11397-21448
Tears of Abaddon vs Jin'rokh the BreakWarrior13-05-020-7293
Tears of Abaddon vs Sha of Fear (10 HeWarrior13-05-020-7449
3,5 Million DPS @lvl 80 possible? WHY Druid13-05-020-32915
Son� 1 - TrailerRogue13-04-290-6347
Arms Warrior in MoPWarrior13-04-270-3859
LvL 80 Owl trolls LvL 90 high end equiDruid13-04-24314-11622
Magmaw heroic solo - protection warrioWarrior13-04-23449-26256
Halion heroic solo - protection warrioWarrior13-04-14226-34567
DRAGON SOUL HCHunter13-04-12468-7177
LvL 80 Owl owns LvL 90 gankers - TrailDruid13-04-1154-11715
the lich king heroic solo - protectionWarrior13-04-05757-38687
Exploit the Battlegrounds - Engineer MDeath Knight13-04-05126-11581
Superowl, lvl 80 Boominator - The MoviDruid13-04-02422-9554
New Divide VS Jin'rokh the Breaker (25Mage13-03-17145-6919
Hailburst - Spin to Win Bladestom/BG MWarrior13-03-09290-10032
Sinestra versus Warrior and Priest - 2Warrior13-03-06357-25290
Hailburst Arena Vol. 1 | Arms Warrior Warrior13-03-05237-14315
Arms Warrior 5.1 MoP Random BG Vol. 1Warrior13-03-03687-7673
Amber-Shaper Un'sok - Heart of Fear byMonk13-02-17811-14112
Hunter solo Al'Akir 10mHunter13-02-17324-33226
lvl 80 OP Moonkin pwnageDruid13-02-17386-7184
Garalon - Heart of Fear by Friendship Monk13-02-16663-8458
Hyrii V: PTR Elemental Arena MontageShaman13-02-15459-65079
Protectors of the Endless (Elite) - TeMonk13-01-28123-12349
Wind Lord Mel'jarak - Heart of Fear byMonk13-01-24116-12820
Imperial Vizier Zor'lok - Heart of FeaMonk13-01-13794-11659
Blade Lord Ta'yak - Heart of Fear by FDruid13-01-13103-7134
Hyrii IV: Enhancement Dueling Montage Shaman13-01-11554-50124
Will of the Emperor - Mogu'shan VaultsMonk12-12-11628-9815
Feng the Accursed - Mogu'shan Vaults bMonk12-12-11339-10730
The Spirit King�s - Mogu'shan Vaults bMonk12-12-10511-10726
Elegon - Mogu'shan Vaults by FriendshiMonk12-12-10604-10431
Elegon - Mogu'shan Vaults by FriendshiMonk12-12-09451-13093
Friendship Deluxe - Gara�jal the SpirMonk12-12-08397-9800
Friendship Deluxe - Stone-Guard - MoguMonk12-12-07365-12111
�lhilendyr & MateMage12-12-04125-9657
High Priestess Kilnara solo'd by RogueRogue12-11-2477-14508
Destruction Warlock PVP (BG's) MoP 5.0Warlock12-11-13389-31879
Dwanesan 2k+ MW Monk 3v3Monk12-11-081678-43440
Mistweaver Monk 3v3Monk12-11-01142-69446
Mistweaver Monk duel against AflicatioMonk12-10-31153-23195
Stormstout BreweryShaman12-10-29535-9366
Monk Mistweaver Random BGMonk12-10-29191-20298
Super Glow is back!!!Shaman12-10-2690-19853
Vyrgrim Arena - Level 90 BM Hunter PvPHunter12-10-18346-8366
Vyrgrim Arena - Level 90 BM Hunter PvPHunter12-10-17144-14660
Warrior AB-Massacer 5.04Warrior12-09-05412-6439
Alterac Valley - The MovieUnknown12-08-29506-9958
Auge Des Sturms Priest HealPriest12-06-27254-7825
WoW Hunter PvP 4.3.4 MMHunter12-06-24378-79291
★ the most "epic" battleground &Druid12-05-25160-5412
Deathscythe 4 TrailerWarlock12-05-24298-4692
85 2vs2 Arena 2 Mages [HD]Mage12-05-11225-7525
FIre Mage PvP 2vs2Mage12-05-07216-8381
Blood and Glory vs. Madness of DeathwiHunter12-04-20231-92656
Xselino Battelground PvPWarrior12-04-2080-7266
Retribution Guide 4.3.3Paladin12-04-1370-28758
Blood and Glory vs. Spine of DeathwingHunter12-04-09377-26533
Blood and Glory vs. Warmaster BlackhorHunter12-04-02341-26573
Fire Mage PvP Teaser Storyline Patch 4Mage12-03-13178-6791
LoH vs Dragonsoul HCDruid12-03-12357-10211
Alteractal - Lokholar der Eislord spawDeath Knight12-03-1172-8443
the fallen - Ultraxion HCWarrior12-03-1197-6084
Blood and Glory vs. Ultraxion 10erHunter12-03-09311-22892
Stay classy...Ivus the Forest LordWarlock12-02-29227-12802
Guide Gl�cksarmreif/lucky bangleUnknown12-02-1659-15215
2H Enhancer in BgShaman12-02-12757-13064
Blood and Glory vs. Hagara 10erHunter12-02-05305-24483
Blood and Glory vs. Warlord Zon'ozz 10Hunter12-01-29306-13721
World of Warcraft Warrior PvP - Velor Warrior12-01-23364-5554
Blood and Glory vs. Yor'sahj 10erHunter12-01-16334-12564
Blood and Glory vs. Morchok 10erHunter12-01-15262-13284
esemble vs Ultraxion heroicPaladin12-01-12632-8028
esemble vs Hagara heroicPaladin12-01-121269-5010
ensemble vs. YhorsahjPaladin12-01-10916-4928
2v2 Ret/Warrior season 11Warrior12-01-09377-6361
2H Enhancer Shaman TrailerShaman12-01-04165-7633
3on3 rSham/enhancer/war first games ofWarrior12-01-031601-8631
ensemble vs. Zon'ozz 10man HCPaladin11-12-30802-4862
[WoW Patch 4.3] How to exploit OrgrimmMage11-12-29156-12606
�runken - Beginning of the EndMage11-11-08144-8226
LdN Vs Ragnaros HCShaman11-10-301295-16672
LoH SHANNOX 10er HC PoV Mage Video EU Mage11-10-29358-18837
Rancas (Hunter) Solo Noth the PlaquebrHunter11-10-18217-15576
LoH Ragnaros 10er HC Firstkill Video EMage11-10-16827-19170
Rancas (Hunter) Solo Grand Widow FaerlHunter11-10-11150-18508
Rancas (Hunter) Solo Anub'RekhanHunter11-10-09203-12761
Zurex PvPDeath Knight11-09-201046-13796
Frost PvP Mage lvl 69Mage11-09-0865-6953
Bladenation 1 IntroWarrior11-08-25135-11874
Camorra der Film Episode IPaladin11-08-19489-7672
ICC Motion Picture Movie by RancasHunter11-08-08133-16074
Broken Arrow vs. Alysrazor HeroicPaladin11-08-07632-6398
Ulduar Motion Picture Movie by RancasHunter11-08-07123-7961
Syndicate vs AlysrazaDruid11-08-0665-6857
Origin vs. Lord Rhyolith 10erHunter11-08-03328-24746
Origin vs. Occu'thar 10erHunter11-08-02160-5234
Alca and Vurtne Burning CrusadeMage11-08-02383-231467
Origin vs. Shannox 10erHunter11-07-24329-5212
Origin vs. Baleroc 10erHunter11-07-22273-3834
Rogue - Mage 2n2 1900+Rogue11-07-18383-9570
Deatspell Omega vs. Ragnaros [10] [mitPaladin11-07-18871-12981
General Vezax 10er HMPriest11-07-11271-9161
Satharion 3 Drakes, DSO 25erWarlock11-07-10733-13198
Beth'tilac DSO 10erPriest11-07-10322-7169
Origin vs. Beth'tilac 10erHunter11-07-08339-4920
Tears of Abaddon VS. Sinestra 25 FirstMage11-07-03309-12011
Origin vs. Nefarian 10erHunter11-06-29390-5186
Origin-Guild RepresentationHunter11-06-27159-15892
N�� 2 - DK MadnessDeath Knight11-06-27148-64441
Exploit BugHunter11-06-23155-11763
Origin vs. Atramedes 10er HCHunter11-06-22343-4350
Origin vs. Cho'gall 10erHunter11-06-21315-4185
J�K�R aka. SarCazm. Rogue duel + ANNOUMage11-06-1843-14898
Origin vs. Halfus 10er HCHunter11-06-18278-5286
Origin vs. Al'Akir 10erHunter11-06-12328-3879
Chenfoo PvP 2 Part 1Warlock11-06-12561-14253
Amaya vs. Cho'gall Heroic feat. AdmiraDruid11-06-08135-6092
Origin vs. Omnitron Defense System 10eHunter11-06-05296-19305
Eredar PvP VideoWarrior11-06-01132-8973
World of Warcraft Patch 4.2 PTR intervMultiple11-05-1511-16034
Yuhsiao PvP 1Warlock11-05-08531-13499
Ny� 2 - Trailer Nr.1Hunter11-05-0738-16178
Skorm 1 Prot PvPWarrior11-04-181063-8375
2vs2 Small enrage =DRogue11-04-0951-5517
Rancas (Hunter) Solo Sapphiron 10erHunter11-04-07409-21271
Ascendent Council 10 HC by �lluminatiHunter11-04-01395-14165
2v2 - Ret HunterPaladin11-03-27473-16636
Kreuzfeld - Retro Movie Destruktive BRogue11-03-18203-30407
Nefarian 10-man HeroicDruid11-03-10158-15885
As vs NefHunter11-03-10236-5781
Valacar 3 - my Way to Rank 14 feat. HoDeath Knight11-02-25448-131669
Unleashed RageWarrior11-02-21410-8950
Ad Luna vs Omnotron Defens System 10 HMultiple11-02-20392-10208
Ad Luna vs. Magmaw HCMultiple11-02-19375-8577
Ad Luna vs Maloriak 10 HCPaladin11-02-05403-6481
Maloriak Heroic 10-manDruid11-02-02152-10300
Ad Luna vs Conclave of Wind 10 HCPaladin11-01-29368-7792
Chimaeron 10m HeroicDeath Knight11-01-25105-7735
Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10m HeroicDeath Knight11-01-22209-6547
Paradox - PvP-TrailerHunter11-01-1963-122163
Ad Luna vs Chimaeron HeroicPaladin11-01-19272-6891
Ad Luna vs Halfus Wyrmbreaker Heroic 1Paladin11-01-16230-7684
Ny� #1 [Season 9 Dk PvP Movie]Death Knight10-12-28803-46814
Enhancement Shaman 85 - BGShaman10-12-22275-32881
�lluminati vs. Cho'gallDruid10-12-20318-7398
it must be heaven 2Druid10-12-19625-17527
Chimaeron and Twilight AscendantsDruid10-12-18423-8816
Valiona and TheralionHunter10-12-12358-10040
Halfus WyrmbreakerHunter10-12-12241-12423
Omnitron Defense System 10 by �lluminaHunter10-12-10346-12280
Hazard III - CataclysmicWarlock10-12-07582-46945
Bugged DancesUnknown10-11-29247-9360
Cataclysm Survival Kit - MachinimaUnknown10-11-2525-18145
Shadow Priest s8 PvPPriest10-11-21127-7230
Vodi 3 - Run with the WolvesShaman10-11-171160-22524
19500 Dps Ret vs Saurfang 25Paladin10-11-0535-31636
Honorless Target Guild Promotion at ErMultiple10-11-04160-67763
Protpala PvP UP?!Paladin10-10-25190-9663
Hazard II - Broken SoulWarlock10-10-17604-45038
Retribution Guide 4.0.1Paladin10-10-1574-35247
Theatrical - Winner! - Bloodline ChampUnknown10-10-12132-77335
Retribution Guide 3.3.5Paladin10-10-1299-20348
Ironeye 3Shaman10-10-06206-62723
LK HC 25 vs Toa 1st killDruid10-10-05897-12842
Two and a half minute gamePriest10-09-1986-27926
Duel Tournement EredarMultiple10-09-12845-19688
Alastor - PvP ShortWarlock10-09-11153-11352
Konlec I: Frost Mage PvPMage10-09-09980-18638
Shinshi 1Mage10-08-22540-8101
LoH against Brutallus Patch 3.0.3Warrior10-08-02282-8685
SotD against C'ThunWarrior10-08-02223-5525
Ice Mage & Affliction Wl 2vs2Warlock10-07-25234-22249
NF against BrutallusWarrior10-07-21111-8058
Xeoni - RP/RMP 2400!Priest10-07-05298-76083
Alastor - Path of FireWarlock10-06-26958-22905
#1 Moonkin PvP 5on5 3on3 (2600-2750)Druid10-06-191079-91518
Jan Hegenberg - TodesritterDeath Knight10-06-0146-17979
Hazard I - The AwakeningWarlock10-05-25797-35073
Mad WorldRogue10-04-3054-9757
LoH ICC 25 HC Deathbringer SaurfangPaladin10-03-1781-10241
Ironeye 2Shaman10-03-1448-48479
Emka - Passion Destruction 2Warlock10-03-04980-215202
Rel. Glad. Monoq & Cer: HorrorkoreShaman10-02-28771-116725
RLS +2700 Landoo S8 First WeekRogue10-02-13282-87808
Valithria DreamwalkerShaman10-02-1190-7887
Warri/Dk/Shaman +2600 Landoo S7 CompilWarrior10-02-01289-63664
Lordaerons Erbe vs. Professor PutricidWarrior10-01-22125-9395
Aeternitas - Ice Crown TrailerMultiple10-01-1491-16995
Terodoe 80 Hunter PvPHunter10-01-05386-8154
Cryon enraged at WintergraspPaladin09-12-1081-9843
Anub'arak NebelfelsShaman09-12-05201-9163
Nebelfels vs Anub'arak (PDOK 25)Paladin09-12-04329-7718
NF Vs. Algalon10Shaman09-11-19273-8130
NF Vs. ThorimShaman09-11-19330-12114
XaF Mimiron FirefighterShaman09-11-19453-11262
NF Vs. Algalon25Shaman09-11-19271-12846
Ironeye 1Shaman09-11-04204-19202
aeternitas - Onyxia Speed-KillMage09-10-2765-19673
Landoo Vs. Playstyle - Atrox TournamenWarrior09-10-06182-51392
Foul Taste of Freedom Retri PvP MoviePaladin09-10-04389-45017
One Light in the Darkness by Barlow&FrWarrior09-08-17277-13856
General Vezax Hardmode by dsoWarlock09-07-28271-26927
Warrior/Priest/Mage PoV WarriorWarrior09-07-14303-19829
Flekz 6 - The fall of FlekzMage09-07-09524-396155
Flekz 6 -TrailerMage09-06-3011-69132
3875 yards jumpMage09-06-18774.3257552
Yargu - The Nature's WrathDruid09-06-155104.4368194
one night to gladiHunter09-04-305863.7022658
Flekz Fire PvP 5Mage09-01-248004.89337434
Warrior 3on3 shortWarrior09-01-161013.9819005
Ryuk Frostmage 30-39Mage08-12-10122-5886
Vaes Elemental Mage PvP trailerMage08-12-04892.566366
Nitro Boosts Facts - WotlKWarrior08-11-23453.5049515
WotLK Beta - 10 Man Naxxramas - NothPaladin08-10-14209-13455
Muru Firstkill LoH Eu-EredarMultiple08-09-22531-12486
Areus PvP 2 - The Lost VictimsMage08-09-229934.6661944
Tears of Abaddon Vs. Kil'jaedenHunter08-09-053194.6315138
Nyde Frost MageMage08-08-274223.4230936
Ice is LegendaryMage08-08-255102.8110534
little gnomes dont cryMage08-07-30933.196011
Funkel - saison 1Mage08-07-241083.088433
Areus PvP - Cemetery HumorMage08-07-166204.2839581
Tears of Abaddon Vs. Eredar TwinsMultiple08-05-02156-13664
Lords of Heaven Vs. BrutallusMage08-04-17201-14477
Tears of Abaddon Vs. BrutallusMage08-04-02177-9877
Landoo 5on5 +2500Paladin08-01-296124.21100622
World of BotcraftMultiple08-01-13333.9011112
250 Player Raid edited multipovMultiple08-01-022454.8091866
250 Player RaidMultiple07-12-301994.2185747
Alterac Valley Climbing (Drek's Hut) -Mage07-12-27883.8812829
HowTo - FarmDM 10min Retadin SoulcleavPaladin07-10-081272.799475
Sarotti PvP 6 - Goodbye Chocolate!Mage07-10-018334.76230128
Visit the DeathWarrior07-09-151273.715623
I got a big PvPness -I-Warlock07-09-121103.314238
Sarotti 6 Trailer - Taste of ChocolateMage07-09-08344.8412549
Buccaneers Den Vs. SupremusPaladin07-09-01127-9575
Delirium vs. Keal'thas SunstriderMultiple07-08-24393-5526
Cuse 4 Mage PvP ( bye bye )Mage07-08-221274.0315560
Alca`s Last MovieMage07-08-121274.6856658
Not my account - high rated 5on5 arenaPaladin07-08-093774.4138859
Unleashed Rage Warrior MovieWarrior07-07-27410-9131
Prince MalchezaarMultiple07-07-2651-6681
Lords of Heaven Vs. Lady VashjPriest07-07-26293-7025
vurtne is back ? intro of vurtne 6Mage07-07-2122.52128741
Limits - The BeginningMage07-07-20283.086388
Passion For Fame2 [Trailer]Warlock07-07-15143.334613
Cuse Elemental PvP 3Mage07-06-161854.0914706
Eternity Vs. Lady VashjHunter07-06-15227-9191
ToA Vs. Lady VashjShaman07-06-041854.2512198
Alca 4 - Mage PvPMage07-06-016594.61174904
Illuminati Vs. LeotherasWarlock07-05-21167-9433
Magtheridon Kill by Delirium / No PainMultiple07-05-20148-4376
Kreuzfeld-nackte TatsachenRogue07-05-161984.889563
Focus Target for MagesMage07-05-1463.9610156
Reng PvPRogue07-04-231583.164304
DB Vs. Gruul the DragonkillerShaman07-04-162744.1720383
Illuminati Vs. TidewalkerWarlock07-04-12137-10552
Rogue goes Sorrowhill 2 TrailerRogue07-04-07292.665337
DB Vs. KarazhanShaman07-04-069154.1028162
Illuminati Vs. The Lurker BelowWarlock07-04-051884.6318045
�lluminati Vs. MagtheridonWarlock07-04-031894.7923500
�lluminati Vs. HydrossWarlock07-04-011814.7534319
Romulo & Julianne (Karazhan)Priest07-03-04167-6972
DB Vs. High King MaulgarShaman07-02-222984.5815065
Shadowpriest Vs. The Curator (KarazhanPriest07-02-22276-9456
We Want You - Propaganda MovieMultiple07-01-19442.254869
WoW First DimensionUnknown07-01-121584.2715488
Dowsha-Dankai�s partPaladin07-01-03992.4413881
Endless Dreams 2 - TBC FeralDruid06-12-163924.7173093
dawN elemental mage PvPMage06-12-103383.937911
Endless Dreams 1.5 - Mangle (TBC)Druid06-11-02964.6452298
BRD- Pickpocket farmingRogue06-10-30634.7521499
The Tower of MedivhRogue06-08-28294.4511901
Druids Can't Farm?Druid06-07-28802.1211660
The One With The StunlockRogue06-07-1492-25434
Endless Dreams - Upper Feral PvEDruid06-06-301494.4748081
Short Tauren Rogue MovieRogue06-06-1844.326678
Shapeshifted - Darador/Eredar(eu)Druid06-04-231494.634509
How 2 farm mass Reputation in Zul'GuruMage06-04-191733.5015846
Ryoma (EU Eredar) Feral PvP BattlegrouDruid06-03-231394.4018322
The man who canPriest06-03-07804.6755409
Destruktive BrutMultiple06-01-213324.5014386
Cy Part 1Warlock06-01-061554.254553
Nefarian defeated by AvT/E/LEWarlock05-11-081624.7513932
WoW Erotic MovieDruid05-11-01483.25122243
Squalli PvPMage05-09-191914.5518371
A world tree jumpWarrior05-09-02133.388396
Dancing like JacksonPriest05-08-1694.2811084
Molten Core - GarrMultiple05-07-31923.8411275
Molten Core - MagmadarMultiple05-07-28404.1312720
ArkariZed - Druid Solo PvPDruid05-07-032004.3736543
Rogue goes SorrowhillRogue05-05-10834.6412299