Rise of the Living Dead 3: The Turning by J. Joshua Diltz
Class: Druid | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Emerald Dream ( Shadowburn )
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Movie Summary
The apocalypse has arrived. The dead have risen to destroy the living and take control of Azeroth. There is only one being who has the ability to bring the world back from the brink.

General Tal leads a group of unlikely heroes into the depths of hell in an attempt to stop the rising evil at its source. Yet what they find waiting for them is beyond their darkest imaginings...

Meanwhile, Captain Bernandette charges into battle against a staggering number of undead who are entrenched in the ruins of Andorhal.

Is this how the World of Warcraft will end? Or can the dead be cast back into their graves forever?
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Rating: 4.74 / 5
Category Rank: 473
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