The Island - Episode 1 by J. Joshua Diltz
Class: Rogue | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Emerald Dream ( Shadowburn )
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Movie Summary
A New, sexy series from the creators of Rise of the Living Dead!

In the fading twilight of a harvest evening, a pirate ship emerges from the black horizon to lay siege to a vessel containing the children of the Arch Druid. The promise of a large ransom for the royal children entices the band of pirates, led by the infamous Orc mercenary Grom, to launch a devastating offensive against the unsuspecting revelers.

Caught off-guard and unprepared the Arch Druid�s ship is seared by incendiary cannons and set ablaze;the surviving passengers at the mercy of Grom�s ruthless and mysterious night elf daughter.

As the devastation spreads, far beyond the scope of even Grom�s intent, the sea becomes the greater threat and beyond that�what lay in the inky horizon, the shores of an unknown and hostile island�

This is episode 1 of new monthly Machinima series.
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