Veil of Corruption II par Varath
Class: Pr�tre | Category: Machinima | Serveur : EU - Der Rat von Dalaran ( Raserei )
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Movie Summary

We are proud to present you the release of Veil of Corruption Chapter II. This movie is part of a trilogy with a continues storyline.

The story is of this movie directly build on the happining of VoC chapter I, so we strongly recommend to get familiar with the storyline.

You either watch Veil of Corruption Chapter I or you can watch this 12 minute long summary that we created.

The movie will have nearly two hours playtime and and you can enjoy it on HD ready/720p resolution.

Short content summary

After the Tauren warrior Lorc, former Warlord of the Horde, lost his wife because of an Alliance assault on Crossroads the only answere he had was vengeance. He called to arms and attacked Theramore with the Horde's army. Since he did not have the permission of Thrall for this assault he was dishonorably discharged from the army and now lives a solitary life in The Barrens.

But then an unexpected guest appeares ....

The movie will be presented in both English and German full voice over and we're also very proud to have a real awesome voice cast like Kenn "FDK" Nystr�m, Krystle "Moonora" Osburn, Edwyn Tiong, Christopher M. Grant, Robert Karaitis, Erunno and many more.

In 2009 we also released a music video releated to our project. It might be interesting to watch since it focusses on our main character Lorc:

Rotten Soul (Lorc's Song) - Title song to VoC II

We also like to thank Erunno for designing this great poster above.

Another big thanks goes to Firemageradio who helped us promoting this movie on their great radio station.

For the German vocied version visit the website of gamona. Here is a direct link to the stream.

Veil of Corruption II German version stream

If you want further information about us, don't miss to visit our blog:

Blackhand Pictures Machinima Blog

We hope you enjoy watching this.


Varath - Blackhand Pictures Machinima

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