Uhvoidme - How to ACTUALLY play Subtlety | Legion 2k-2.2k+ MMR 3v3 RMP arena par uhvoidme
Class: Voleur | Category: PvP | Serveur : US - Illidan ( Rampage )
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uhvoidme's Arena Team 1
royxd fissysterne uhvoidme
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Well saw alot of vids and guides or whatever on how to play Sub and its just hurting my eyes what i see so decided to make this with just some games all shot in a day and a half of q seshs. So expect alot 3v3 RMP =)

2k-2.2k+ MMR went against a good amount of R1 and glads so the teams in the movie arent bad. (SOME CLIPS HAVE DISCORD INCLUDED)

Recently been playing Assass bc noone wants to play with a sub rogue sadly so expect more assass till sub buffs =/

check out my youtube channel for more Rogue pvp @ "uhvoidme"
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