Sub - 39 Mage Video - 2v2 by Rushz
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Perenolde ( Cyclone )
4.56 /5 109 ? ? 310 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Rushz's Arena Team 1
Sub Boostz
Similar Setups

Note: This is not my video. This was uploaded by me with the author's permission.
-Boostz, author of the Against the World Series

Mistakes and losses are shown; I know what they are and when they happen, and don't need any help picking apart the video. ;)

I'm happy with the quality of the opponents and of course my teammates. I'm constantly being carried/outplayed the whole way through.

If you aren't looking for a highlight reel, I think you may be able to enjoy the video. I consider most of the matches at least slightly interesting and hopefully it'll give you something to do if you're bored.

TLDR: Don't watch it with high expectations and you won't be let down. Feel free to leave me love notes and/or death threats, chances are good I'll respond to both. ;]

In all seriousness though, if most people dislike the video, I won't make another - so do let me know. I've had my fun with vegas/videos/ect, and if I continue they'll probably be made similarly to this one. Wins and losses, mistakes shown, bad machinima, ect.

I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

Fed up with toxic random teammates from LFG? Blazing Boost offers the best coaches to push arena rating!
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