[Trailer] The Burning League by Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Rashgarroth ( F�rocit� )
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Movie Summary

The Burning League is the name of a tournament organized by the F2P community of Rashferoth. Its goal is simple: players create teams and fight in order to win the competition.


For more details about the raid progress, please look this link:

To learn more about Rashferoth community, you can follow this link:

And if you want to watch this video on another web platform, go on this link:
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Finally, if you want to see my own Youtube channel, you can do it with the following link:

I also want to precise, that, given the fact that this trailer uses a non-free Team Ninja music, nobody can use this video for commercial purposes. If you want to contact me about another thing, you can do it via [email protected].
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