48 SubscribePivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex
Judgement (World of Warcraft 3D Animated Short)
Movie Summary
Views: 42,374
Lordaeron has fallen years ago, yet its former def...
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Creation and community management for video games events. Coordinator and graphic designer in communities playing Ubisoft, Sega and Blizzard games
Activity Log
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex released a new movie Judgement (World of Warcraft 3...
Lordaeron has fallen years ago, yet its former defenders are...
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex posted a comment on Judgement (World of Warcraft 3...
Lordaeron has fallen years ago, yet its former defenders are...
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex released a new movie Sinistor - Signs of Darkness |...
A strange and murder cult has appeared in Azeroth. A bunch o...
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex posted a comment on The Cave: Reinvented
Glad for bringing French subtitles on this project.
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex posted a comment on (+Eng subtitles)Teaser World o...
Promising 🙂
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex posted a comment on Teaser Infect 9
Well done :D
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex released a new movie [Trailer] The Burning League (...
The Burning League is an annual competition gathering lvl20 ...
Pivotal, Dedrich, MasterVertex posted a comment on [Trailer] The Burning League
[quoto:Bestbad]i really dont understand [/quoto]
What don't ...
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