Racecraft par BaronSoosdon
Class: Inconnu | Category: Underground | Serveur : EU - Test Server Europe
4.52 /5 145 ? ? 132 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

I have always wanted to join the Mirage Raceway pod-races held by gnomes and goblins.

It ain't really possible.. or is it? :)

About The Movie:
The real reason why I made the movie was to test filming with two computers (using private server) concerning my future movies namely (Unlimited Escapism: V2 and CotD: Op Scholo continuations). Also, the song used had a lot of influence too.

For the racing cars I chose the flying properller thingie and the goblin race car. The gnome car looked too ugly, so it's not shown here.

There are a total of 0 frames modelviewed footage in the movie :)

Downloadable versions come in two flavors:
- for paladins the 'normal quality' (41mb) version
- for real men & women the HD720p version (it's on the WCM mirrors + torrent)

Dallas Superstars - Ready To Rock

Screenshots (from the HD version):

Other movies by me:
Snoman Remixed
Unlimited Escapism vol. 1
Untitled WoW Machinima (abandoned)
BWL: The Last Ride
CotD: Operation Scholomance
Gnome Race for TBC Betakey @ Runetotem
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4.52 /5

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Views: 81,807
Daily Views: 13
Rating: 4.52 / 5
Category Rank: 89
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