Chilled (Mage PvP) by Venorize
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Anetheron ( Stormstrike )
3.05 /5 131 ? ? 342 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
LIVE STREAM: Should the link not work, because aparantly sometimes the warcraftmovies viewer doesn't load correctly, you can go to the google link itself:

The first movie of my new series Chilled - The ultimate adventure into what a Mage is truly capable of. This movie is meant to also be entertaining to watch, and unlike most movies, it flows with the music. Because music makes the PvP, music makes the battle great, so I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did filming and producing it.

All songs are listed in the credits. If you make it through the credits, you'll get a bonus scene (since most people stop at the credits, I added something for those to watch :P) Enjoy!

Notes: I don't understand why it doesn't produce any higher quality than that, I had Sony Vegas on all it's highest settings, oh well I'll work on it. Make sure you download it for the highest quality, cause google-live-stream quality isn't too great.

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