MLG PC Circuit 3v3 Arena feat; Frag Dominant by Venorize
Class: Multiple | Category: Other | Server : US - Test Server US (PvP)
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Movie Summary
As many know the MLG PC Circuit featuring a WoW 3v3 Tournament with many of the worlds strongest teams has come to an end. Frag Dominant was the winning team at the competition.

About the Video:
This video is of the competition and mainly features many of Frag Dominant's matches. It was made for those who either were not able to go to the event, or were not able to watch it online.

Because footage was hours long and because of the difficulty of the recordings, this video will mainly just show the event, and 6 of frag dominant's main fights.

Video Category: I put the video category as "other" because although it is of Arena PvP, it is not my team and I do not wish to get "skill points" awarded to a video, nor an award for it. We all know these teams are skilled :) The Video Server was listed as Test Server because the tournament was played on a private server at the event.

I'd also like to comment that the announcers you hear in this video were the announcers for the both the fights and the streams, and although they claim to have been playing wow since it's beta, they do make mistakes explaining details about skills/talents; so please remember that when they mention such.

Tournament Rules:

Quality: The quality of this video and the sound quality is limited to what was produced from the GotFrag TV's Streams and productions. I did my best to bring it up to top quality standards, but again, limited by what the original content had. To view this video in it's highest quality form, please download it, not live-stream it.

Thanks and enjoy, and once again Congratulations to Frag Dominant on winning the very first MLG World of Warcraft tournament. They won $12,000 & 3 HP Blackbird Gaming PC�s valued at $3,000 each (one for each team player).

For more information on this competition, feel free to check out; for June 13/14's news dates.

Google Stream coming soon along with two more download sites by tomorrow.

Update #1: Since everyones asking for more fights, I'll see what I can do about getting more clips from the tournament up. It was very difficult just to get up what I could, I'll see what I'm able to do and get more up if I can.

Update #2: I'm currently looking into Nihilum's matches now to see what I can do, since it seems to be the team everyone really wants to see. I'll keep everyone posted.

Update #3: Sadly, any footage form day 1 will not be possible on my end because of severe storms that took out my power most of the day. I was somewhat upset that I missed day 1, and decided to get what I could of day 2 for anyone who might be in a situation like I was, where they would miss a day.

Update #4: Alas, I have found the name of the intro music for you. Wicked Ways by
Project Zero Productions & Neil WIlliams.
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