Instant Cast Mounts Discovered! by Venorize
Class: Rogue | Category: Other | Server : US - Destromath ( Rampage )
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Movie Summary

Watch the video to see how!

This is also confirmed to be INTENDED by a GM.

The first half of the video will just show, and visually confirm + show a few tricks.

The second half of the video will show how this can be used strategically in PvP for classes like 'rogues' or for those of you who do not have druids.

Please Download - Not Stream
It is hard to fully understand what is happening in the PvP Segment using the streams. However, if you absolutely must stream it, I recommend the filefront stream.

Enjoy :) Remember these mounts come again this october!

======= Music =======
Halo Theme (Mjolnir Mix)
Yazoo vs Prodigy

Edit 1: Removed Google Stream, quality was so low it could do the video no justice.

Edit 2: To those who are wondering how it is possible to save the brooms past the 14day duration - just mail it to an alt. Keep it in the mail through its 30 days, take it out before the mail expires, and re-mail it to another character. As long as it is in the mail, the duration does not tick down. Then you can take it out when your ready to use it, and start its duration. This is also LEGIT, blizzard puts "Bind on Pickup" on items they do not even want the possibility to exist past an event so they they can not be mailed.

Edit 3: The 'float/run' around thing gives absolutely no advantage, it is simply a graphical glitch from mounting too fast. Since no advantage to gameplay is given at all, it does not break ToS..
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