Movie Summary
This video was filmed in the 2.0.12 patch and focuses mainly on arena PvP. Since arenas are now Blizzard's main focus for end game PvP, and since druids (feral druids especially) are under represented in top arena teams, I wanted to show just what a feral druid is capable of.
My gear in most of the fights is 3 piece gladiator's and 2 piece tier 4, though in some fights I may be wearing 4 piece gladiator's. My current gear can be seen on my armory page at:
Some notes on the rated battles:
In the 2v2 fights I selected clips that showed how powerful cyclone can be in a small group situation. Paladins are the best way to show its effectiveness since I can prevent them from doing their job even when they use BoP or Divine Shield.
In the 5v5 fights I again tried to show the usefulness of cyclone, however I feel that my damage output was diminished in larger group fights since there is constant snaring/rooting/stunning/fearing it makes it very hard to cyclone and get into position to do damage before it wears off.
This video uses the xvid codec, if you do not have it, get it at:
I highly recommend downloading the high quality version rather than streaming, the streaming version on filefront has the wrong aspect ratio which causes a fair amount of distortion.
EDIT: Please hold your comments on the music, I realize that not everybody will have the same tastes as I do, if it really bothers you hit mute. No matter what music I put it, some people will hate it..