Arctica vs Algalon by pykmi
Class: Warrior | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Chromaggus ( Reckoning )
4.89 /5 42 ? ? 291 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
A movie mix of PVE and Machinima.

What to expect:
- 10 man Algalon kill
- lore related to Algalon the Observer
- Dalaran world event
- protection warrior POV
- Mr. Manhattan as Algalon?

This movie is a bit different than my previous PVE related movies. This time I chose to fraps the movie mixing PVE aspects and Machinima, rather than make the whole movie Machinima. The 60 minute time window in the encounter kind of forced me to do that. Of couse this was a lot less time consuming as my previous films and allowed me to show our guild's actual first kill of this boss. But ultimately, it was a lazy decision :), I know.

So, the actual kill is done purely in "PVE style" and most of the dialogue is in "Machinima style". Some parts of the frapsing can be somewhat ugly, as I only had one chance to fraps those specific parts of this movie. I hope it doesn't bother you too much.

Lastly, I want to let you know that at the moment Arctica is recruiting all classes. One of the requirements is that you are finnish.

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